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Zucchini Boats

I occasionally buy grass fed turkey and chicken, so I purchased some turkey sausage from Quail Cove Market yesterday and tonight made a meatloaf I learned from my friend Linda, she grows GIANT zucchinis.

Large Zucchini

Ground Meat of your choice (grass fed is always best)

Eggs (2)



Green Pepper



Garlic Powder

Cayenne Pepper

1/2 the zucchini long ways and scoop out the middles. It should look like a boat with no more seeds! Put them in a baking dish and cook them on low heated oven for about 15 minutes. (just to soften) Combine the eggs, meat, chopped veggies, and seasonings in a bowl and combine well. Take the boats from the oven and fill with the meatloaf. Cook covered with foil for approx. 25 minutes. Take the foil off and cook for another 5-10 until your meatloaf looks finished. It should be firm on the top- you may need to check temperature of the meat before taking it out of the oven. This is a healthy and delicious alternative to the plain old meatloaf that no body actually likes.

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Sarah Brown Clark

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