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About Sarah

My Story


We have been taught our whole lives to be consumers. Recently, I have become a different kind of consumer. Four years ago, my husband and I did some binge watching and found a series of documentaries about food.  It all started with Food Inc. then Fed Up , then we had to see Food Matters, and finally Forks Over Knives my husband and I had a rude awakening that day.

The healthy lifestyle we thought we were living was not quite as healthy as I had hoped. The American diet is something that pretends to be health conscious, but in actuality we had been manipulated by our visual culture, the government, and the food industry to make our choices based on how much money we could produce as consumers.

Beginning that day, I started a vegan, whole foods way of life. Tommy and I built a 8x16ft green house and a large outdoor garden that we grow many varieties of vegetables and herbs. Once deer season came on the Eastern Shore, I decided to try more of locavore diet (anything from under 100 mi) eating deer meat my husband and I cleaned ourselves. I also eat any fish or shellfish we may catch or collect ourselves.


Now that I have Violet, she is another motivation to research and educate ourselves about the foods that will benefit us most. 


I learned a lot of what I know from reading my favorite author and hero, Joel Salatin, from Polyface Farms. My husband even designed a chicken trailer based on their inventive design. It really is a new way of life, not a diet. Truly, it is a brand new way of looking at my life, the world, and food. I hope to share my knowledge and passion with those who want to better their lives. 

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Food Shopping 

Healthy cooking / Meal planning

Label Reading

Researching Nutrition and Organics



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Sarah Brown Clark

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