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Spinach & Mushroom Quinoa

This is one of those experiments that I tried and I loved it so I wrote it down. I'm sure others have made similar dishes, but mine I LOVE. Use as much of these ingredients as you want! I don't really measure anything!

Garlic pressed

Green Onions (cut small)

Fresh Portobello Mushrooms (I also love the wild variety)

Fresh Spinach (I use about 3 cups)

Quinoa (brown or red)

Sea Salt

Coconut Oil

Romano or Parmesan Cheese

In a saute pan heat a spoonful of coconut oil. When it heats add the garlic, onion, mushroom, and spinach. Cook until the spinach has wilted and the mushrooms have shrunk in size. Cook quinoa according to directions on box. Add sea salt as it cooks. Allow quinoa to cool and then add it to the sauté pan (which is off the heat) mix the quinoa in with the veggies and then top it off with grating some fresh parmesan cheese. (not too much, just to taste)

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Sarah Brown Clark

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